month : 07/2018 4 results

Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Carrots with Garlic, Rosemary and Pancetta

Brussels sprouts and carrots are abundant at the farmers market these days, as is fresh garlic; and the rosemary in a pot on our patio flourishes in the southern California climate. Hence this dish. I've made a similar dish of brussels sprouts ...

Homekit and Google Nest (Geekish)

I have been playing around with Apple’s Homekit home automation framework. (If you have deep religious feelings about some other brand of home automation, I suggest you stop reading now. This is about Apple’s stuff because that is what I have.) ...

Letting the market guide the menu

Of course, I mean the farmers' market, not the financial or stock markets. One of the joys of living in Southern California is the year-round farmers' markets. It is possible to fairly routinely prepare meals from what is market-fresh, in season and ...

Grilled Eggplant

Adapted from "Melanzane in Graticola" found in Marcella Hazan's Marcella's Italian Kitchen. This is best with small-to-medium eggplants, up to about 3" in diameter or so. Don't be afraid to be generous with the oil and garlic. The eggplants will ...