Back to the Côte-d’Azur

Hello again. A lot has happened in the world, obviously, and in our lives, since our last post in July of 2019. We had big ambitions to write something every couple of days during our nine weeks in Provence in the Fall of 2018: didn’t happen. When we got back to the States, I thought I would write the story of our Provence trip: didn’t happen. There are no excuses really, except that we got a dog (sounds suspiciously like “my dog ate my homework”, I know).

Then we decided to move to the South of France, and, like a lot of things in life, that was easy to say but complicated to execute. I’ll write about the process and what we learned, and I’ll have some tips for others trying to navigate through a move to or long stay in France.

So, now we are living in France, Beaulieu-sur-Mer to be specific, and I am determined to start writing again.

I’m still cooking almost every day, but I’m only going to write about it when I’ve got something new (for me) to say. We had the good fortune to arrive in France at the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, so I’ll have something to say about our experience of living with that. (I say “good fortune” because we can’t imagine a better place to be stuck, “restez chez vous” [stay at home], than where we are.) As things loosen up, we plan to travel again and I will try to find interesting things to write about that. And, since technology is a hobby of mine, I will likely write a little about home networks, mobile phones, and other related subjects, particularly as they apply to our life in France.

We are not unmindful of the awful events in the world around us: the pandemic and associated economic hardships for many, the increasingly extreme polarization of political views, the sometimes violent public demonstrations in protest of police brutality, the increased boldness of those with racist and anti-semitic attitudes. As I write about some of the good things in life, I am fully aware of our good fortune, and I will endeavor to reflect the realities of life in the world around us.

Plenty of people write about food and travel and technology. Many are better at it than I will ever be. But my wife keeps telling me how smart and good-looking I am, so why not? Maybe I’ll stumble onto something interesting.

Please come back once in a while, and if you feel like it, tell me how I’m doing. Please be kind, though. We should all be kind to one another. There is way too little kindness in the world (and particularly in the USA these days), it seems to me.

À bientôt.

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